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Clearing Land Project (Commercial) Conway, SC

Clearing Land Project (Commercial) Conway, SC
Clearing Land Project Commercial Conway, SC

Complete landscaping renovation to a commercial property in Conway, SC. All progress photos were lost so I took Google street-view images. This property is now maintained by Carolina Upkeep as well.

1. We first removed any excess dirt and grass existing over the sidewalk all of which(an entire truckload) had to be taken to the dump. We put clean edges to the sidewalk as well.

2. We then cleaned up all trash and leaves for a temporary cleanup.

3. We started to clear the fence line of the property from left to right, being sure to use undiluted weed killer on the stumps of any undesirable plants and vines, which left only the Holly Tree hedges that are there now.

4. All of the holly tree hedges that were kept were trimmed up to suit the property, and to allow us to kill any vines or weeds that grow underneath them in the future.

5. We then trimmed up the Bradford Pear trees on the left side of the property, which opened up the entire left-side parking space which previously had most parking spaces blocked off by limbs.

6. After all yard debris was taken to a dumping area for the city to pick up, we put down weed fabric and mulched the landscaping beds surrounding the property, which would prevent the beds from getting overgrown as quickly.

7. Finally, we now just maintain the property, keeping it as it was when the project was completed, killing any vines and weeds that try to grow through the fence, asphalt and sidewalk, cutting down the three grass areas in front, trimming up the hedges when they grow, and cleaning up any leaves that fall.

Service provided: Commercial Lawn Care

Budget: 8,000

Location: Conway, SC

Project Image Gallery

Products Used

Weed Eaters, Pole Saw, Chainsaw, Shovels, Clippers, Hedge Trimmers, Chemical Sprayers, Weed Fabric, Fresh Mulch